We have already discussed capital formation in a previous
chapter and also the measures for promoting it to break the vicious circle of
poverty. Here we discuss it from the point of view of economic growth. Capital formation is the very core of
economic development. It may be a predominantly private enterprise system like
the American or a communist economy like the soviet . Economic development
cannot take place without capital accumulation. No economic development is
possible without the construction of irrigation works the production of
agricultural tools and implements, land
reclamation, building of dams, bridges and factories with machines
installed in them , roads, railways and airports, ships and harbors all the
produced means of further production associated with high levels of
productivity. It seems unquestionable that the insufficiency of capital
accumulation is the most serious limiting factor in under developed countries.
In the view of many economists, capital occupies the central and strategic
position in the process of economic development. Capital formation indeed plays
a decisive role in determining the level and growth of national income , hence
economic development. This is due to the fact that of all factors of production
capital has unlimited expansibility. It is man made and is capable of
increasing in quantity and improving in quality. There us no doubt that
productive capacity of an economy can be increased only by increasing the
quantity and improving the quality of its capital equipment.
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